ZiLa Games

A Small Press Game Publisher

  • The 3d10 logo

    Yea, it sucks. I think the design has some merits, but it is not good. I have reached out to a friend that does wonderful graphic design. She is working on a new one. Once that is up, I will share it with you all. In the mean time, I have been working with the… Continue reading

  • The Basics (so far…)

    So, as you may know (and may have been reading), I am putting together a new game system that the new Arcanum 4e will be using. This system will be multi-genre, so there will be more than just Arcanum that uses this system. So far, I think this is how this new system is going… Continue reading

  • Attributes

    Attributes are an interesting topic when it comes to role playing games. What, exactly, constitutes an attribute? When does it cease being an attribute and become something else (e.g., Charisma is an attribute in many games; GURPS makes it an advantage or disadvantage). Arcanum has traditionally used eight attributes: But is this the best set?… Continue reading

  • Multi-genre system. Arcanum setting.

    In my last post, I pointed out that I am looking to make the system that I am creating be one that is multi-genre. I am not looking to be completely universal; I say this because the way I want to make this system would not work for such things as four-color comics. Let’s be… Continue reading

  • Multi-genre? Perhaps…

    As I continue to work on Arcanum 4e, I am struck by how the ideas and systems I am putting together are not fixated on a fantasy setting. They are turning out to be pretty universal! I was wondering: would there be any interest in Arcanum 4e as a multi-genre system? I am thinking of… Continue reading